The Gift of Relaxation

Hello Graduates,

Some of you might find yourself in the midst of a hectic holiday season, and many of us cannot partake in our usual traditions or celebrate with those we love.

Whether you are preparing to host an unusual Christmas dinner or you are coping with the emotional weight of another holiday apart from those you love, I have a gift to help you get a little more grounded.

I wanted to share an audio download of my late husband Tom Willhite leading a special relaxation cycle. I have personally tried and facilitated thousands of these exercises, and I think this is one of the best. Not because he was my husband, but because it is exceptional.

If you find yourself in a state of stress, sadness, or anxiety, please be kind to yourself and take a moment to get centered with this relaxation cycle. I am sending you love and light this holiday as we all manage the challenges it brings.


JC Willhite


  1. Heather Smith

    Is the Relaxation Cycle still available anywhere? I put my info to receive it by email but the email link says it’s not available.


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