Youth Classes
PSI Youth
If we are to achieve true peace in this world, it shall have to begin with the children.
~ Craig Kielburger

PSI Basic for Kids
Ages 5 – 12

Youth Leadership Workshop
Ages 8 – 14

Teen Experience
Ages 13 – 17
Basic for Kids
The Basic for Kids is a two-day course for boys and girls between 5 and 12. To participate in the Basic for Kids, both parents or guardians (or one parent or guardian with full custody) of any child must have completed the PSI Basic seminar.
In this seminar, children learn first and foremost what it means to be responsible, without giving up their natural spontaneity, playfulness, and sheer joy in being alive. In a lively atmosphere that keeps them involved and interested, kids practice making choices and dealing with the consequences of what they have chosen. In the process, they are free to let go of manipulative behavior patterns such as sulking, whining, or bullying.
The Basic for Kids recognizes that every child is unique and special. Shy, passive children may need support in speaking up for themselves, asking for what they want, or overcoming fears. Aggressive, highly active kids may need to learn or listen, to slow down or reflect. The seminar is structured so that each child receives encouragement in becoming more aware, and developing those parts of themselves which will make them more confident and effective.
Between 5 and 12, many children develop negative, limiting beliefs about themselves. This can sap their self-esteem and chance for a successful life. In an environment of love and support, kids reaffirm that it’s okay to be themselves, and that they are valuable and deserving just the way they are.
The Basic For Kids gives our children a better chance to be successful, contributing members of society no matter what circumstances life may bring.
Youth Leadership Workshop
This two-day workshop is for young people, ages 8 to 14, who have completed either the Basic for Kids or the adult PSI Basic Seminar. In this class, students are given multiple opportunities to practice and experience the concepts and techniques that they learned in the Basic.
One major focus of this workshop is to lead the students to the realization of their “personal power”. Resisting peer pressure and being true to one’s values are issues that challenge youths in this age group daily. The students are coached by adult leaders, in processes involving creating a life vision, setting goals and dealing with obstacles and setbacks.
Another major emphasis in this class is clear, responsible communication. Peers and coaches provide positive feedback after each activity or exercise. Students learn how to identify and express their feelings and ideas responsibly. There is a communication exercise involving the students and their parents that could be a benchmark for all involved in it.
There are large group events, small group activities, and “buddy” exercises that develop and enhance leadership & communication skills. Students participate in a service project. (Parents are encouraged to join the class for this event.) During two creativity exercises, students make an affirmation t-shirt and a vision “treasure map”.
The experiences of the Youth Leadership Workshop often result in the students gaining more confidence, higher self-esteem and more open, honest communication with peers and family members. In addition, they gain a better awareness of how they can make positive contributions to others…that they make a difference.
This powerful workshop equips its participants with tools and skills that will allow them to be leaders of themselves, within their families, their schools and among their peers. It is truly a weekend of self-discovery and empowerment!

Teen Experience
Teen Experience, staffed entirely by teens and young adults, is an opportunity for young people to honestly and authentically address issues that are important to them without having to overcome generational barriers.
Some topics addressed during the week are:
- Self-esteem
- Honesty
- Peer Pressure
- Service to others
- The Value of Risk
- Developing a New Relationship with Fear
- Trust
Teens must be between 13-17 years of age and be a graduate of the adult PSI Basic Seminar to attend.
Teen Experience: July 16th – 22nd, 2025