
Achieve Your New Year's Goals

Achieve Your New Year's Goals

Achieve Your New Year's Goals! Never mistake activity for achievement. ~ John Wooden The celebration of the new year invites us to revisit our vision and set goals that bring us closer to living the...

Playing to Win

Playing to Win

Playing to Win If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude! ~ Maya Angelou Have you ever noticed how some people are playing a winning game in their life and...

You Matter!

You Matter!

A Holiday invitation to you dear human! In appreciation for the gift you are. With a very simple, yet profound intention we can each add to the collective peace on the planet. This year, when...

Operation Dream Toy Drive

Operation Dream Toy Drive

San Francisco PSI Seminars graduates united with SFPD to raise over $12,000 and collect over 3,000 toys for children in need. There were over 100 volunteers and 30 police officers. Even the Chief of...

Givers Gain – PSI Podcast

Givers Gain – PSI Podcast

"When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous." ~Wayne Dyer~ On this...

To Think is To Create

To Think is To Create

To Think is to Create"Sow a Thought and you reap an Act, Sow an Act and you reap a Habit, Sow a Habit and you reap a Character, Sow a Character and you reap a Destiny." ~UnknownDo you ever wonder...