PSI Blog
To Think is To Create: PSI Podcast
To Think is To Create I am the greatest – I said that even before I knew I was. ~ Muhammad Ali It can be said that...
You Become What You Think About
To Think is To Create If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. ~Henry Ford Are...
5 Ways to Fall in Love with Your Body Now
One of the most important relationships you have is the one with your body. This relationship affects many areas of...
5 Habits for Healthy Living
Thoughts are powerful things: they precede your feelings, or emotions, which in turn dictate your behavior, or...
The Power of “I am”
The "I am" concept is a powerful tool that can supercharge your personal growth and set you on the path to achieving...
Responsibly Clearing Upsets
Even in the happiest and healthiest of relationships, there are going to be upsets from time to time. Learning to...
Defining Your Ideal Partner
Who is your ideal partner? If you're seeking the man or woman of your dreams, this is an important question to ask...
How to Improve Your Relationship with Your Intuition
Whether you call it your intuition, your gut feeling, or your instinct, your life is speaking to you: are you...
Are You a Good Listener?
Are you a good listener? The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said. ~Peter Drucker...