Relationships & Communication

The Power of Community – Nurturing Growth

The Power of Community: Nurturing GrowthIn a world often characterized by individualism and competition, the value of community stands out as a beacon of connection, support, and growth. At PSI...

Discover the Hidden Treasures in Adversity

From Struggle to Serenity PSI Podcast Live Training with PSI Seminars Facilitator Kathy Quinlan-Perez When the going gets tough, the tough gets uncovered! When faced with life’s challenges, what if...

The Three R's

"Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." ~ Jack Canfield ~ There's a negative process of thinking and acting that can be the downfall of even the best...

Emotions 101

Emotions 101 Do you have your emotions or do your emotions have you? On this episode of the PSI Seminars Podcast, Kathy Quinlan-Perez talks about how to be empowered by your emotions and create an...


Trust Trust is one of the essential building blocks to creating great relationships. But before trust can be found...

Overcoming Rejection

Overcoming Rejection

Overcoming Rejection The fear of rejection is one of our deepest human fears. Biologically wired with a longing to...

Playing to Win

Playing to Win

Playing to Win If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude! ~ Maya Angelou...

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