PSI Seminars Legal Action
Infrequent Legal Action Against PSI Seminars Doesn’t Diminish Our Effectiveness
PSI Seminars has been dedicated to the mission of “world peace, one mind at a time” for over 40 years. By offering seminars focused on increasing personal and professional effectiveness, breaking through personal barriers to achieve greater fulfillment, and enhancing leadership, PSI has made a positive difference in the lives of well over half a million individuals who have completed our courses.
We are proud to have never advertised, instead relying solely on the word-of-mouth recommendation from our graduates to perpetuate our mission and allow us to continue to serve those seeking something more, better, or different in their lives.
With success like ours over the span of four decades, there are bound to be a few complaints and even legal action. Our response to these matters shows the strength of the company as we have never wavered in the face of adversity, staying true to our ideals and the very philosophies and concepts we teach in our classes.
As pioneers in personal growth, we are considered one of the leading authorities of that industry. It has happened that people have not achieved the results they thought they would through taking our classes and retaliated by taking legal action against us.
We strive to provide our students with the best seminar experience possible by empowering all participants to make choices for themselves. Every exercise in all classes offered is done by choice. Prior to an exercise, participants are given the option to choose in or choose out of an event. No one is ever made to do anything they don’t want.
Conversely, it is up to each participant to create his or her own experience. Like anything is life, you can only get out of it what you put into it. Those choosing not to participate or worse, to participate without observing the guidelines put in place to ensure safety and a learning opportunity may have an unpleasant experience. Unfortunately, some of those people have taken legal action against us.
Many of our graduates rallied in support of PSI, well aware that the claims the plaintiffs were making were false.
The truth is that taking a class is not going to turn your life around. It is not going to “fix” you, because you are not broken. The thing that is going to turn your life around is YOU. It takes hard work and dedication. PSI Seminars provides the tools and techniques to accomplish this, yet one must use those tools and techniques to reap their benefits.
With over 99.9% of our customers satisfied, we’re convinced that we are effectively fulfilling the mission of “world peace, one mind at a time”, and providing a valuable service to those seeking personal growth.
Those looking for a “quick fix” may be disappointed when they find out they have to put in effort to achieve their goals and dreams. It is unfortunate that said individuals have taken legal action against us, however we are confident in the character of our company and the value of our service. Most of all, we are confident that the results of our graduates speak magnitudes to our effectiveness and resonate louder than legal action brought against us ever could.