PSI Basic Seminar

The PSI Basic Seminar is an educational course where you challenge yourself to explore, question, and discover your life, such that you expand your personal and professional effectiveness.

Prerequisites: None
Tuition: $795 USD $495 USD with Code BF2023

PSI VII Life Success Course

While the emphasis in PSI Basic is self-discovery and awareness, the Life Success Course focuses on action and results. By stretching beyond what you believe are your limits, you’ll discover that your capabilities go beyond anything you may have ever dreamed possible.

Prerequisites: Must be a graduate of the PSI Basic Seminar
Tuition: $5,800 USD $4,950 USD with Code BF2023

PSI Leadership Seminars

The purpose of both the Men’s and Women’s Leadership Seminar is to create leaders, empowered by their wholeness as men and women, and committed to living their vision by actively contributing to the world.

Prerequisites: Must be a graduate of the PSI Life Success Course
Tuition: $6,700 USD $5,650 USD with Code BF2023

Leadership Summit 2024

Surround yourself with your PSI connections in the grandeur of Cabo San Lucas at the all-inclusive Hard Rock Resort. Tuition includes your seat in the Seminar, all seminar activities, meals and accommodations. Travel is not included.

Prerequisites: Must be a graduate of the PSI Leadership Seminar
Tuition: $8,995 USD $7,795 USD with Code BF2023