
PSI Basic Seminar Audit Application

Which days of the Basic do you plan to attend?(Required)
Check all that apply. (Some locations may have an alternate schedule.)

Contact Information

Best Way to Contact Me:
I consent to receive communications from PSI Seminars:(Required)
May include phone, email, or social media.
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Date of Birth(Required)
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Date Attended Basic(Required)
Date Attended PSI VII
Date Attended Leadership Seminar
Date Attended PLD Pacesetters Leadership Dynamics
Date Attended Principia/Summit/Level Up/Next-10
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Confidential Health Questionnaire

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Do you have any history of psychiatric disorder?(Required)
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Have you been institutionalized for mental illness within the last twelve months?(Required)
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Have you undergone treatment by a psychiatrist or psychologist in the last 6 months?(Required)
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Do you have any history of psychiatric disorder, been institutionalized for mental illness within the last 12 months, or undergone treatment by a psychiatrist or psychologist in the last 6 months?(Required)

Terms and Conditions

I have answered all questions truthfully, and I have read, understand and agree to all policies and clauses contained within.
Clear Signature

The PSI Basic Seminar is an educational course where you challenge yourself to explore, question, and discover your life such that you expand your personal and professional effectiveness NOW!

  • Enhance and strengthen your foundation for a life of meaning & purpose.
  • Access your individual creativity and how to, once and for all, quash defeating internal dialogue.
  • Discover how to have a deeply fulfilling life by contributing and connecting with others in a deep and meaningful way.
  • Feel what it’s like to be seen and encouraged to be the highest version of YOU and learn the patterns of successful human inter-relations and communication.
  • Tap into boundless energy, enthusiasm and excitement by letting go of resentments so you can live fully in the present.
  • Uncover the mystery of creating abundance by discovering your power to attract all the wealth you desire and gain simple & easy tools for developing thought processes that will help you achieve your goals.
  • Join over 500,000 people who have experienced the power of the PSI Basic Seminar and have credited this life-changing course for providing them with the tools to discover their potential and realize their dreams.


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