The ‘Unlived Life’
Think of your deepest desire right now.
What is it you most sincerely want? What is the one dream you’re holding tightly in your heart yet haven’t been able to bring yourself to act on?
Or what is that something you know you should be doing and because of some reason, aren’t able to do.
What is stopping you from doing it?
You know you should do it, you realize doing it would transform every area of your life and you understand your life could be so much different if you did it, yet you’re still not able to bring yourself to do it.
What is that one thing for you?
Starting a business, packing your bags and heading out into the unknown, taking that leap of faith, re-establishing that connection with your family, putting your creative talent out there…
…whatever it is for you, if you’re not doing it, you’re not living the life you truly deserve.
Sadly, most people never live out their ‘true life’ and instead make excuses and live with regrets about their ‘unlived life’.
There’s a whole other world of possibilities waiting for you…
I came out of PSI-7 knowing that there wasn’t anything I couldn’t do, achieve, or be in my life.. opened up endless possibilities of living an amazing life!
Coming to PSI-7 has truly been life changing – I have discovered who I am…. There’s nothing like it… there’s no way we could have gotten this anywhere else.
At PSI-7 I learned how to connect with people.. to really be vulnerable with people and allow support in my life.
Live the Life You’ve Always Wanted…
A life where you express your true gifts without fear…
A life where you’re living authentically and find happiness in the smallest of things…
A life where worries that used to throw you off your game, don’t even register on your radar and…
A life where there are no regrets.
A life in which you are doing what you want to be doing and there is no disconnect between your internal and external world. And your happiness and self-esteem are as high as they could be.

Day 1 – What is your Point A?
Identify where you actually are in your life in every area. With rigorous honesty… what are your values, what do you really want, and who do you want to be?
You’ll learn about yourself and how your belief systems contribute to your current reality.
Call forth parts of yourself you didn’t even know existed as you begin to demand more of yourself and your life.
You’ll have one insight after the other and you’ll view your life in a whole new way.

Day 2 – Connection
In order to fly, a butterfly must first strengthen its wings by going through the struggle of breaking open its cocoon…
Resistance is the first step to transformation. As you get comfortable being uncomfortable and stop resisting the struggle, you will build the strength to soar to new heights in your life.
Let go of the restraints hidden within yourself and unwind the generational patterns that no longer serve you.
Get centered and trust that every step you take is going to get you where you want to go.

Day 3 – Trusting Yourself and Others
Uncover your deep connection to humanity. We are all on this planet together to live extraordinary lives… you don’t have to go it alone.
Experience firsthand what true teamwork can accomplish when you ask for what you need and let others support you.
Tap into boundless creativity and become solution oriented as part of a united team.
Lean in with each epiphany as you practice putting the PSI Philosophy into action in real-time and transform how you relate to yourself and the world.

Day 4 – Letting go of Attachments
Release your judgements around money, relationships, body image, contribution, and commitment.
Dissolve the protective shield that keeps you distant and detached and prevents you from fully sharing all of who you are.
You can have all the material success in the world, and without deep, loving relationships in your life, it would feel empty. Real success lies in cultivating relationships that add meaning to your life.
Who you become on the journey is more important than the destination.

Day 5 – Stretching Beyond Your Limits
Make a declaration for what you really want as you go for it with everything you have.
As each opportunity presents itself, you will take one step further than you thought you could…Your mind and body are capable of over ten times more than you can even imagine!
Experience yourself doing unbelievable things.
This will bring it all together for you. surprising challenges that will push you into a new realm.

Day 6 – Bringing It All Together
What are you assigning significance to in your mind that is actually limiting you?
This is where you bring everything you’ve learned and discovered until this point together.
Define your next steps and get a glimpse into mastery for your life going forward.
You’ll celebrate yourself and acknowledge each other for the greatness you’ve brought forth to share with the world.

Day 7 – Keeping the Momentum Going
Bring the person you want to be to what you do, and you will have what you want to have.
Prepare yourself to bring the new you into your life and your vision for the future.
How are you going to contribute? What is the difference you are going to make with your friends and family, in your community, and in the world?
Break Through Your Limitations…
Let go of all of your stories about what is possible for you… Define your purpose and have certainty about the difference your life makes on this planet.
Over 7 transformational days you will unlock the unlimited power within you!